Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wow...its been awhile

Okay so I havent really put anything on here in forever. Lovely, isn't it?!
Anyway, so I went with some awesome people to see RENT in St. Louis. It was fantastic. VERY fantastic. I've seen the movie, but it cannot compare to the musical LIVE. If you like it on any scale, go see it live. Its perfect! :D
So now I'm back home and I just slept ALL day. Grrr. I'm no night owl.
I also need to finish watching Lost season 5! Its so amazing...GAHHHH!!
So I'm going to find me some food since I'm rather hungry. Perhaps I'll blog more soon. ;)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First one, eh?

So I had a blog for school, however due to school coming to an end, it will be deleted. What a tragic thing. Anyway, I figured I might as well make one, because well I love blogging. :D
So perhaps I should tell a little about myself? I'm a Nightwish fan, I like some anime, reading is wonderful, and europe seems like the better place to be. Oh, and I love aussie accents.
Perhaps I will think of some wondrous thing to say later.
All I know is....I'm pissed that Kris won American Idol. I am NEVER watching that show again.